Residential Curbside Recycling and
Waste Services (east of I-17)
As an Anthem resident, you will receive residential curbside services
for recycling and waste one time each per week. Your scheduled
service day is determined by your service area. Please see the 2022
area map for your curbside recycling and waste service schedule to
determine your scheduled day. Please place carts on the street
the night prior to your collection day or by 6 a.m. on your
assigned collection day. For safe and efficient service, please place
the carts in the street with the wheels touching the curb. The carts
should not be placed on the sidewalk and you should allow 4 feet between your recycling
and waste carts. You will start seeing our new Republic Services branded blue carts in your
neighborhoods for all new deliveries or exchanges. We will continue our services on the
previous colors: green for recycling and tan for waste.
Bulk Waste Schedule and area map included- click below
Republic Services Residential Customer Service Guide for Anthem